Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ponderings of 'Surrogates' : Pros of Surrogates

Surrogates is a new movie that talks about the use of technology to effectively replace the need for man to actually leave his own home.The concept of using replacements for our own bodies is the main story line in this movie and I think it is worth talking about.

Imagine a world where each and every person that you see is tall, slim and drop dead gorgeous. Now that is the background of this movie where most people choose to use this technology and of course there are some communities of mankind who reject such mockery of life. In any case there are two different and distinct view about such technology and its lifestyles.

For the case of those who supports this technology, it gives them a great technology where they can experience the world in a totally different perspective. It also allows the users to actually be a new person, a person where the user always wanted to be physically. This allows greater deception to occur in the society but on the other hand, the increased in safety of the user makes this technology an answered prayer to a lot of people especially those who are lacking in confidence.

Personally it will be a fun and new way to see the world, to experience a new feel of society's treatment towards the surrogate. In this world where anyone can appear as anyone else, people will tend to be more polite and more courteous towards each other. Not forgetting the surrogates are actually robots with direct connection to the user's brain thus the user theoretically can see, feel and sense everything as though the user really was the surrogate.

The strength of the surrogate should be much higher than a normal human being and so it is ripe for abuse. In the movie, the usage of surrogate soldiers truly made me think on how precious a human life now is as compared to the past. Now modern warfare will have no casualty and the only loss the government loses is only in the surrogates and equipments. This also means that the threat of nuclear is much greater because of the Electro-Magnetic Pulse that will fry any electronic devices nearby, thus crippling the army of surrogates.

That is a small list of the benefits of the technology. I am not a genius so these ideas may be simple but it do show that surrogates if used properly can be a boon to mankind.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

IMalaysia? Boleh?

The concept of 1Malaysia where we see each other as Malaysian first before race is a really good concept to bring forward in such times but of course this is not an easy even for a Prime Minister to implement and to see it bear fruits of success instead of lying in the dark, rotting and can never see the sunlight. I am sure Najib knows of the difficulties that he must face to make this vision into reality instead of just a motto.

In my opinion, Najib must first know what is the things that makes Malaysians not as united as years ago. He should first form an independent body to conduct a study on the feelings, troubles and problems faced by the everyday Joes of Malaysia. With that knowledge the planning for this vision can proceed on to the next phase.

The problem with this step is that with those questions of the public answered, will the Government be willing to make those changes that the people want? Will the requests and demands of the people be answered? The fact remains that we can never please everyone in the world so how should Najib proceed when whatever steps he made will be taken positively by some and negatively by others? Should he only care about the problems faced by one group of people only?

To actually be able to make this IMalaysia plan succeed we all must play our part in help molding a society where this concept is not foreign and instead will be just like second nature of the people. Now the most obvious problem that this concept face is the feeling of unfairness. It is not needed for me to give examples but if you open your eyes and see and take some time to read blogs, you can feel the uneasy peace between the people here.

Najib must make a choice, either he choose to be a popular Prime Minister and do what the public wants or he can go ahead and implement the 1Malaysia plan. This is because the 1Malaysia plan is 100% a long term plan and will not bear fruits after a few years. It will take many years for it to be a part of our lives and because of that, Najib must know that it will be his Legacy if he hold on to this concept.

In conclusion I truly believe that this 1Malaysia plan is a good one but for now it seems to only be a tool for politics and not a true vision. I pray that one day we the citizens of Malaysia can actually call ourselves Malaysians instead of the race of that we were born from.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dear diary, (19 October 2009)

A first day for the new semester for me. Quite uneventful day as we have an empty class slot in the afternoon which is good as we can go back home earlier. Met some friends during traveling in school and it was fun catching up while having a quick chat. Enjoyed my class and unexpectedly my identity have been exposed. Well it wasnt that difficult so its expected. Was hoping to keep on a low profile for a while longer though. Hahahaz.

Dont want to bore myself when I reread this in the coming future so a message to my future self, "Be a man, do the right thing!!"


Saturday, October 17, 2009

A post about Future Technology and the consequences to mankind.

I am not a seer but there are many different possibilities of the future as written into today's science fiction and even movies made from these stories like Surrogates, I Robot, A.I., The Matrix to doomsday movies like the Terminator series to animated movies and series like Ghost in the Shell. The theme in most of these shows are basically the advancement of technology and its impact towards mankind in the future.

Of course everything in the movies are only fiction and are just a fragment of the writer's imagination but there is no smoke without a fire. The rapid advancement of technology in recent years makes what the writer dream of into reality in the near future. From robots revolting against humans to just non~thinking robots like those in Surrogates, we can see that robots are undeniably a part of our future whether we like them or not.

Robots represents the peak of technological advancement in production of cheap and efficient labor while able to follow each and every of our whims. This means robots will be second class slaves to us. From this view of non~resisting robots as our slaves there can be two trains of thoughts. The first is the acceptance of our new role as masters of the robot race and the other is the increase of hatred towards these companions of man.

From the first point of view where man should take his rightful place as the master. It is we who create the robots. Is it not right for us to be the master and not treat them as equals? Even if they can think for themselves, a robot's AI are just programs written by man. With this surely we deserve the servitude of the robots. This view is one of the most common among the movies where mankind will be the one suffering in the end. Robots that are created with no processing power for themselves will only be seen by humans as just tools, disposable tool used for our own sake and pleasure and benefits.

If we take the second view of robots being our equal instead of master~slave relationship, we can coexist together, living of each other. A world where there is no discrimination, where there is no clear difference between them and us. A world like the one in Ghost in the Shell. Some call this Utopia and why not? If we humans are able to learn to try and live together instead of living in conflict and in danger, surely the society will come to a time of peace and prosperity.

Both views are possible where the outcomes are different where one we can live happily together and the other we had to wage war for the survival of our species. To me the consequences comes from the choice that we have to make as a one united human race when the need arises.

If we do manage to stop killing ourselves and earth I sincerely pray that we can reach to that state of technological advancement.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Soul ; Exist?

A soul by definition from a common source (Wikipedia) is the spiritual and eternal part of a living being, commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; distinct from the physical part. We can safely say that most religion in the world today believe in the existence of the soul, a soul for each being. With the definition of a soul as eternal, this brings us to the next fact of religion which is the existence of an afterlife.

Let us focus on today's topic which is the existence of soul. If according to religion, the soul is a part of the body and in the death of the body can the soul leave the container and move on. From this point, is it not possible to measure what exactly a soul weights? From the scientific point of view, it is a sound argument and this can be set into an experiment to actually find out that. This idea was not new and was given a fresh breathing space in the latest Dan Brown novel, The Lost Symbol. If this is true and if the experiment had been carried out, why is there no herald shouting out loud the good news of the existence of the soul? The lack of this event of course does not mean that the soul does or does not exist. It merely means that we humans have not agreed on this subject.

The existence of a soul or something similar can be viewed from the Near-Death Experience (NDE) where a person that is dead can feel himself/herself to float up and see things unseen by others. Common things that are heard is the tunnel of light and the meeting of dearly parted beloved friends or family members. As of now I cannot think of a way where science can actually prove that these NDE that is witnessed by many people actually is real and thus can prove the existence of the soul but that does not mean other people that are smarter than me cant. What I am trying to say is that let us give them a chance to further the knowledge of mankind. Surely there are stuffs, questions and topics in our minds that are begging to be answered.

The presence and existence of a soul that can be scientifically measured remains an unanswered question to me and so comes down to the fact that is it really impossible for us to measure a soul? If the soul is connected to the body and is eternal, then during certain times a soul can be predicted to leave the body and the one certain timing that it will happen of course be the time of death. Now if the soul have successfully recorded, what does that means? Will this continue on to the experiment of capturing a soul? To experiment on a soul? To test and see the properties of a soul? A soul of another human being? Will we reach such level  of depravity in the pursuit of knowledge? Why not, some will answer, if it is for the benefit and knowledge of the human race. Well, where do we draw the line that separates the curious mind and a sick mind? These questions and more I leave to your imagination to bring you where you have not venture before. Until then, stay safe and sane.

Phew, I did not know how much I have wrote and after rereading, all I can say is that I am just rambling with no clear purpose. Well there is always room for improvements. Thanks for reading.

p.s. The fact is I am just a student and a normal human being with some questions in my mind. Taking up a phrase from The Matrix, these 'splinters of the mind' can drive people crazy and so I thought to just write them down for fun, laughter, peace and joy so please comment if you want and do not shoot me in public if you know my identity.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Subject to change

Re: New Blog

An empty first post to start a blog.