Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ponderings of 'Surrogates' : Pros of Surrogates

Surrogates is a new movie that talks about the use of technology to effectively replace the need for man to actually leave his own home.The concept of using replacements for our own bodies is the main story line in this movie and I think it is worth talking about.

Imagine a world where each and every person that you see is tall, slim and drop dead gorgeous. Now that is the background of this movie where most people choose to use this technology and of course there are some communities of mankind who reject such mockery of life. In any case there are two different and distinct view about such technology and its lifestyles.

For the case of those who supports this technology, it gives them a great technology where they can experience the world in a totally different perspective. It also allows the users to actually be a new person, a person where the user always wanted to be physically. This allows greater deception to occur in the society but on the other hand, the increased in safety of the user makes this technology an answered prayer to a lot of people especially those who are lacking in confidence.

Personally it will be a fun and new way to see the world, to experience a new feel of society's treatment towards the surrogate. In this world where anyone can appear as anyone else, people will tend to be more polite and more courteous towards each other. Not forgetting the surrogates are actually robots with direct connection to the user's brain thus the user theoretically can see, feel and sense everything as though the user really was the surrogate.

The strength of the surrogate should be much higher than a normal human being and so it is ripe for abuse. In the movie, the usage of surrogate soldiers truly made me think on how precious a human life now is as compared to the past. Now modern warfare will have no casualty and the only loss the government loses is only in the surrogates and equipments. This also means that the threat of nuclear is much greater because of the Electro-Magnetic Pulse that will fry any electronic devices nearby, thus crippling the army of surrogates.

That is a small list of the benefits of the technology. I am not a genius so these ideas may be simple but it do show that surrogates if used properly can be a boon to mankind.

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